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Self-intro 講呢啲

February 14, 2021

《Self-intro 講呢啲》

我承認,我曾經去過一次 Speed Dating ... 做「媒」。




我發現,「你的樣子如何,你受歡迎程度也必如何」於 Speed Dating 並非絕對。我眼見有參加者相貌平平,但自我介紹時風趣幽默,到自由活動環節時,異性都會主動親近。所以自我介紹對第一印象絕對有影響。


Interview 都係一樣,第一印象勝於一切,但當然唔係要你風趣幽默。


Self-intro 講咩好? 記住以下呢3點:

1) 首先用簡單幾句說話總括你背景+工作經驗 (overview)

2) 重點講2-3個同嗰份工相關嘅 core skills (要自己 tailor-make)

3) 最後講出你對下一份工作的期望+為什麼想加入佢哋公司


例子 (interview for a Training Manager role)


"My name is David. I was made in HK, meaning I was born and educated here. I have 16 years of working experience. I spent my first 12 years as an HR and 4 years ago, I shifted my path and became a corporate trainer.


I have solid training design and delivery experience across Asia Pacific. My target audience are sales team as well as senior executives. I also collaborate with the HR team for talent development & succession planning.


I would like to step up in my career by joining a well-established MNC and focusing on L&D planning. I see from Linkedin your firm invests a lot in training & developing your staff. That's explain why I am interested in your company.


That's a bit about me. I welcome any questions you may have."


當然 recent graduate 同職場老手嘅 self-intro 會有一啲差別。但以上3點,萬變不離其宗。


時間上,大概分半鐘就可以 切忌超過兩分鐘。無需要講得太仔細, 以免之後 interview 冇嘢好問。


老實講,Speed Dating 同 Interview 無異,第一印象勝於一切。


想研究下點樣 draft 一個 solid gold self-intro? 歡迎PM。


PS: Speed Dating 當晚我當然沒有下文,就算有而家都唔會認 (shuuu...內子經常睇我專欄)


#SpeedDatingSelfIntro #自我介紹 #第一印象